Wednesday, July 28, 2010


oscar and i have arrived safely in London! it was a long trip but we've made it!
however a few dramas along the way. at sydney airport i was randomly selected for a drug/explosive test, which i thought was rather exciting. they rubbed some probe on my hands and in my bag and then put it through a machine. unexpectedly the test proved positive for explosives which surprised everyone involved. so they repeated the test with the same results. they then asked for my passport and boarding pass. i then realised that i had misplaced my boarding pass! luckily they found it and we could move on with the procedure. i answered a few questions and they let me go. so we moved on and boarded the plane! oscar and i were very fortunate and ended up with all 4 seats in our row to ourselves (on both trips!). we were able to get some decent sleep then. when we arrived in bangkok we both couldn't wait to buy some decent food and have a rest. unfortunately we expected to board our next flight as soon as we arrived! we were both hungry and exhausted. oscar then decided to misplace his boarding pass which we never found. they had to print him another one. but we made it!!! the weather is beautiful and we're able to enjoy some sun at last!
no pictures this time but i'll keep you all updated!!
lots of love

oscar wishes to share this blog. it will be easy to tell who's post it is though as oscar is going to be very anal with his grammar, capital letters and all.

Monday, July 26, 2010


so i'm off to london tomorrow and soooooo excited!! at the same time i hate flying so not looking forward to that.
anyway i had a great farewell and it was awesome to see everyone and say goodbye! for those people who didn't come... BYE!!!

lots of love and i'll speak to you soon!


Monday, July 12, 2010


So i'm off to Europe in 15 days and decided to make a blog to keep you all updated!
